
Minimally-processed foods vs. highly-processed foods: What to know

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“Eat fewer processed foods.”

Nearly every health expert says it. (Sometimes so often that you’ve maybe tuned it out. Kind of like when they say, “Eat your greens.” Whatever, Mom.)

But have you ever wondered why?

Plus, what even counts as a processed food anyway?

In the following infographic, we cover everything you need to know about processed foods.

You’ll discover:

▶ What counts as “processed” (and and what doesn’t)—and how those foods affect your health

▶ The difference between four types of processed foods (whole foods, minimally-processed foods, moderately-processed foods, and highly-processed foods)

▶ Which processed foods benefit your health and well-being—as well ones that might harm it

▶ How to tell which whole and minimally-processed foods are worth the effort (and which likely aren’t)

Plus, you’ll get a three-step process that’ll help you boost your consumption of nutrient-packed foods—without feeling deprived or overwhelmed.

This isn’t about forcing yourself to eat foods you hate. Nor is it about finding 45 extra minutes that don’t exist in your day.

Rather, you’re about to discover a nutritional middle ground that can help you to transform your diet, one (manageable) action at a time.

Check out this infographic to learn more. (Or, download the file to refer to whenever you need it.)

If you’re a coach, or you want to be…

You can help people build nutrition and lifestyle habits that improve their physical and mental health, bolster their immunity, help them better manage stress, and get sustainable results. We’ll show you how.

If you’d like to learn more, consider the PN Level 1 Nutrition Coaching Certification.

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Important Note

Note that the assertions mentioned in this article have nothing to do with “” because the information is based on medical studies conducted by researchers and is accessible online. It is very important to consult a health professional before starting any medical treatment.

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