
How to Know You’ve Found a Good Health Coach

Reviewed by Brian St. Pierre, MS, RD Once you decide you want to work with a health coach, finding the right one goes beyond checking off a list of qualifications. How do you know if you’ve found the best health coach for you? What are the qualities of a good coach besides the obvious credentials? …

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Japan Is Unmasking, and Its Smile Coach Is Busy

About six years ago, Keiko Kawano, a radio host, found that when she stopped doing voice-articulation exercises, her smile began to fade. At a certain point, she struggled to lift the corners of her mouth. So Ms. Kawano, then 43, decided to learn how facial muscles work. After using the knowledge to reanimate her smile, …

Japan Is Unmasking, and Its Smile Coach Is Busy Read More »

Wellness Coach: Is It the Right Kind of Coach—or Career—for You?

You know what you should do for good health. Get enough quality sleep most nights. Cook nutritious, satisfying meals at home, most evenings. Make time for sweating, meditating, time in nature—whatever helps you feel recharged and strong. It’s just that DOING these things (consistently) isn’t so easy. Just like your dog stubbornly lying in front …

Wellness Coach: Is It the Right Kind of Coach—or Career—for You? Read More »

Become a Certified Stress Management Coach

When people experience more stress than they can handle, they usually struggle in many different areas of their lives. Sleep gets disrupted. Relationships grow tense. Nutrition habits regress. More alcohol and sweets tend to come into the picture. Exercise becomes a thing of the past. The scale often goes up. It’s not uncommon for stressed …

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Get clients by being your authentic self: How one coach does it

Feel like you have to hustle your butt off to get more clients? These days, it can seem like being “just” a great coach isn’t enough of a sell. Not only do you need to know your stuff and be a natural “people person,” but to market yourself properly, you’re also supposed to figure out …

Get clients by being your authentic self: How one coach does it Read More »

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